Information about the website
The following website is created for users who seek for a solution, which can enable them to receive notification on weather hazards such as: lightnings, tornadoes, strong winds, heavy precipitation and low and high air temperatures.
The website offers following options:
Storm report map of Poland, Austria, British Isles, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, German, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Nederlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland – the map presents lightnings detected in the territory of country and regions.

Storm report map of Europe – the map presents lightnings detected within boundaries of Europe.
Severe weather alert map of Poland – the map presents severe weather alerts issued for the territory of Poland. The map contains the following severe weather alerts: intense frost/heat, strong wing, intense participation (rainfall and snowfall), storms and tornados.
E-mail and SMS meteorological alerts enable selecting a location to be constantly monitored. In the case of detecting severe weather hazard, the notification will be sent via e-mail or SMS. This option generates the following alerts:
- lightnings,
- intense frost/heat,
- strong wind,
- heavy precipitation,
- storms,
- tornados.
Locate storm – this option allows detecting lighting in the vicinity of a selected location or whether severe weather alerts were issued for this area. Also number, direction and location of the closest detected lighting is included in the alert message. This option comes particularly in handy for the users of mobile phones.
Archive – this section contains archived data on detected lightnings. It also allows generating maps and numerical data on detected lightnings.
FAQs – this section lists a number of questions and answers relating to atmospheric pressure discharges, procedures in the case of storm hazard and other interesting information.
For Webmasters – complete fragments of source code which can be put on the website.
Contact – in this tab you will find a contact form in the case of occurring questions, suggestions or a need to share an opinion or an idea.
Important notice – so that no misunderstandings or other unpleasant situations come up please familiarize yourself with terms of using this website. I hope this website is helpful and will be helpful in your daily life.
Much love to you all and enjoy browsing the website.