Severe weather alert map of Poland
The map presents alerts issued by Skywarn Polska / Polscy Łowcy Burz. The map is refreshed every 5 minutes.
2025-03-28 UTC 13:10

Explanation of alert scale:
Hazard | 1st Degree | 2nd Degree | 3rd Degree (the highest) |
Tornados | small risk | moderate risk | high risk |
Storms | rain from 15 to 40 mm gusts from 60 to 90 km/h hail below 2 cm |
rain from 41 to 70 mm gusts from 91 to 110 km/h hail from 2 to 5 cm |
rain from 70 mm gusts above 110 km/h hail above 5 cm |
Precipitation | rain from 25 to 40 mm or snow from 10 to 15 cm | rain from 41 to 70 mm or snow from 16 to 30 cm | rain above 70 mm or snow above 30 cm |
Wind | gusts from 70 to 90 km/h | gusts from 91 to 110 km/h | gusts above 110 km/h |
Heat | from 30 to 34°C | from 35 to 38°C | above 38°C |
Frost | from -20 to -25°C | from -26 to -30°C | below -30°C |
Marking in the upper, left-hand corner of the map:
Severe weather alert has been issued
No severe weather alerts
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Data source on alerts Skywarn Polska / Polscy Łowcy Burz.